Arkholme Secretary’s Report 2019

There have been three meetings of the Parochial Church Council during the year 2019, one after the AGM in April, and 25th July to discuss the new service pattern and 25th August to discuss the school Christmas concert and a faculty for burial space, both meetings after the 9.30 service.

There are currently 8 members plus the chairman on the Committee. Hume Hargreave resigned during the year due to ill health and has now moved from the Parish. A letter of thanks for his contribution to the work of the PCC will be sent. Grateful thanks go to Beth for organising the flowers and to Janice McIlveen and Antony Smith for playing the organ regularly and to the cleaners and other helpers.

During the year January to December 2018 there were three baptisms, no funerals/burials, and no weddings.

The average attendance over 24 Sundays was 16 and 2 regular child attendees.

Attendances at the following services were: Good Friday 18, Easter Day 25 plus one child, Remembrance 18 plus 5 children, Harvest 9 plus 2 children, Crib Service 80 plus 30 children, Christmas Day 16 plus 2 children.

The United service (the festival of St. John the Baptist) on June 24th was attended by 33, this was followed by coffee and cake.

The children of Arkholme C of E primary school attended church on 3 occasions. Easter, Harvest and Remembrance averaging 85 children and 20 adults.

Church Fabric Report 2019

The churchyard is kept in good condition by Dave Smith and his team of helpers, George Woods, Alan Yates and Chris Hall. Grateful thanks to Mike and Barbara Blacow and John and Audrey Blacow for their work on the grounds and the memorial garden and surrounds also thanks to the team of cleaners.

Ian Gillespie has regularly serviced the mower and the bush cutter.

Rockcliffe Bros regularly inspect and clean the roof and gutters, there was also a repair to the ceiling by the bell tower where the plaster was loose. In May Park & Whitely carried out the 5 year electrical test and also the work to bring the system up to recommended standards.

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